How to Buy a Baby Stroller

Whether you’re headed to the park for a leisurely stroll or to Paris to see all of the sights, a stroller is a must-have for life on the go with baby. The right
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not only gives baby a safe place to sit or snooze, but it also provides a place for you to stash all of those must-have essentials, from wipes and diapers to a change of clothes and an extra pacifier.

But finding the best
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isn’t easy. The market is saturated with all different types of models and prices that vary widely from as little as $30 to upwards of thousands of dollars. So when you begin your hunt, first consider your budget. Then, think about how you plan to use your stroller to narrow down your options. Ask yourself some key questions, like: Where are you going to use it? Where are you going to store it? How many babies will be using it? And how much stuff do they have?

A basic lightweight umbrella stroller makes travel (and storage) easy, while high-function stroller systems boast helpful features like extra storage and snap-on bassinets or car seats. For some, a basic model for occasional use is perfectly suitable. For others, the splurge on a more advanced model is well worth it — even if it feels like a big investment. If you frequently take baby out and about or plan to have multiple kids, your stroller will likely get miles and years of use.

Before you purchase, don’t be afraid to try out your top choices. A trial run goes a long way in making sure it works for baby’s needs — and for the needs of other family members who will be pushing it, folding it and stowing their things within it along the way.

Lightweight or
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What it is: You might lose a few of the features you can find in a full-sized stroller, but an umbrella stroller scores points for being supremely easy to handle while on the go.

Lightweight or umbrella stroller benefits:

  • Often weighing under 15 pounds, a lightweight stroller is designed for portability (some even come with a shoulder strap).
  • These models are easy to fold, which makes stashing one in the trunk or taking it on an airplane, bus or train a snap.
  • Many lightweight strollers still come equipped with beneficial features, such as a partial seat recline, expandable canopy, storage basket and built-in cupholder or snack tray.
Lightweight stroller downsides:

  • If you’re looking for a stroller you can use from the newborn months on, a lightweight stroller won’t do. While a few models can safely carry newborns with car seat adapters or bassinet attachments, most umbrella strollers are designed for babies 6 months or older.
  • Most lightweight
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    do not have a convertible option, which means if you end up having a second (or third) baby within a few years of your first, you'll likely need to purchase a second stroller.
Jogging stroller downsides:

  • A jogging stroller can be a bit heavier and challenging to assemble.
  • If space is tight, a jogging stroller usually can't fold up as small as an umbrella
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  • Jogging strollers are typically wider than even many full-size strollers, which means maneuvering them through tight spaces can be challenging.
Car seat carrier downsides:

  • Car seat carriers tend to be best for short-term use, since baby outgrows the infant car seat quickly. That said, some full-featured
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    function as a car seat frame, then transform into a toddler-friendly stroller.
  • Car seat carriers generally do not have any extra features like cup holders or storage.
Travel system
What it is: An easy-to-connect travel system pairs together an infant car seat and stroller. There are full-size, lightweight and jogging stroller travel systems, so you can choose a system with the type of stroller you like best.

Travel system benefits:

  • Having an infant car seat that connects to your stroller with an adapter (usually built in) means you can move your sleeping baby from the car to the stroller without waking her up.
  • Being able to buy both components as a set may save you money.
Travel system downsides:

  • While the
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    will usually last into the older toddler years, your baby will outgrow the infant car seat much sooner than that.
  • If you’re a multiple-car family, you’ll need to buy a separate car seat or base to use with your second car.
    Portable beds, as the name suggests, are those beds that are lightweight and easily mobile.
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    s are used in places where one cannot use large permanent beds. Portability and compactness is the main advantage of using these beds. Portable beds are usually made of a foldable metal frame, plastic, or lightweight wood, which is covered with linen, canvas, or nylon. The market for portable beds has been increasing considerably over the past few years, owing to the small living space. Also, they are the best alternative for traditional beds because of their multi-functionality and space-saving capability.
    Rapid urbanization has led to an increase in residential construction and has thereby increased the demand for these beds among the residents. While the non-residential segment also contributes toward the growth of portable beds, globally. Under the non-residential application, these beds are installed in hospitals, hotels, restaurants, hostels, and healthcare centers. Portable beds are considered as the best choice when it comes to living in a small place or studio apartment. Therefore, the market is projected to experience significant growth in the coming years.